The 2025 Austro-American Scholarship Award Program

The Austro-American Association of Boston offers a scholarship award of $4000.
From all the applications received by March 17, 2025, the Scholarship Panel will choose a winner who best fulfills the requirements outlined below. An in-person interview will be requested.

Project must be a subject on Austria. Areas may include:

  • Music
  • History
  • Literature
  • Science
  • Art
  • Architecture
  • or a topic of the applicant’s choice.

All undergraduate and graduate students working toward an academic degree at a New England college or University are eligible to apply. Applicants should submit the following information:

  • A detailed project proposal, including the reason for selecting it
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Two confidential letters of support from faculty members who know the applicant well and can comment on the feasibility of the project.

Scholarship recipients are ineligible for future scholarship awards.

The winner is required to provide a presentation of the project at an event of the Austro-American Association.

Please email submissions or inquiries to:

This award is given in memory of Professor Harry Zohn (1923-2001), who instituted the scholarship in 1976. He was an incorporating member and past president of the Association and long-time Chairman of the Board.